2016, here I come!

Last 2 school years were really BAD for the Korean language and me… I feel like I’ve been stuck on the same book for years (and that’s actually the case… makes me feel terrible while I made so much progress in 2012/2013 :/.

So now that I’m done with school and that I have started to work, I take this as a fresh new start to arrange the best study schedule possible. I have updated my study planning under the matching section of my blog. I hope to find balance between work, sports, Korean, gaming and social life (and also blogging). It seems to be kind of hard to achieve right?

I will try to blog more about my Korean journey in order to motivate myself. I mean, I really love Korean and am already motivated, but I get overwhelmed and easily tired by what I do during the day… So I need to consecrate at least an hour to Korean per day… this might seem a little for something that I love doing but I thing that when I have so much things to do throughout the day, I need to organize myself a little bit more. And afterall, everyone has their own way of studying xD.

I plan to order a lot of books from two chois and I have subscribed to a French/Korean business magazine to learn a lot more about Korea and the Korean society and business.

I also plan to refocus this blog on Korean learning and travelling in Korea, and stop posting translations about e-sports and stuff.

I wish you all a happy new year and may the Korean force be with us!!!

PS: Here’s the list of what I plan to order on twoChois as always 🙂


[ENG]Article 4: SKT T1 receives victory ring for winning Worlds S3

Hey there everyone!

Here is my fourth translation from Inven LoL news website! I’ve been doing this for a month and I’m quite happy with what I’ve done, I feel like I’m learning a lot of vocavulary in Korean and in English too ! But most important, I’m getting more and more knowledge on the LoL eSports scene from Korea 🙂 So this week’s article is about the victory ring that SKT T1 received for winning Worlds last year 🙂

Picture from Inven.

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LoL Inven article translation (2) : SSW’s victory at Worlds

Hi there everyone !

After the faboulous play from SSW yesterday at Worlds, here is already my second article translated from Inven. This time I translated it in English so that I can also train my English grammar since I am also preparing for TOEIC.

i4251889742Picture copyright to Inven

[롤드컵] ‘완벽’ 삼성 화이트, 시즌4 최강자로 우뚝 서다!(종합)

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Hi there it’s been a while!

Hey everyone!

I have been super duper busy this school year so I am sorry for not updating anything anymore… However, I didn’t expect this but I am now in Korea!!!! So I plan to post more useful information about the university where I’ve been to – even though I’m not there anymore since I simply came to travel and do some volunteering ^^ – and more information about Seoul in general! I hope that you guys will follow me and do not hesitate to ask me questions if needed.

See you guys soon!!!!


F* yeah I’m in Korea!!! (crying of happiness xD)